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E-Bike Accessibility

We want to applaud PeopleForBikes for raising awareness on a cause that velofix is in full support of – the introduction of an electric bicycle tax credit. This legislation makes e-bikes more accessible to individuals in America and contributes to the fight against the climate crisis.

Senator Schatz addressed this legislation by saying, “we need to do everything we can to transition to a clean energy economy, which includes changing the way we get around. E-bikes have the potential to help us get there—we just need to make it easier for people to get on board.”

The Electric Bicycle Incentive Kickstart for the Environment, E-Bike Act (S. 2420), led by Senators Brian Schatz (D-HI) and Ed Markey (D-MA), would prioritize electric bicycles as a zero-emission mode of transportation by making them more affordable and accessible for all Americans.

If signed into law, the E-Bike Act would offer individual consumers a refundable 30 percent tax credit on purchasing an e-bike up to a $1,500 credit for qualifying new e-bikes. The credit would be allowed once every three years for consumers or twice for a joint-returning couple buying two e-bikes. The Senate bill is a companion to the E-Bike Act introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in February by Representatives Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Mike Thompson (D-CA).

The CEO of PeopleForBikes, Jenn Dice, spoke on what the passing of this legislation means, “it’s time we offer a meaningful incentive for American consumers looking to lower their carbon footprint while staying active and healthy. Congress can support electric bicycles as a tool in the fight against the climate crisis with the E-Bike Act.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves, which is why we want to share this exciting news with you. PeopleForBikes said studies show that across the U.S., a 1″5 percent increase in electric bicycle mode share would result in an 11 percent decrease in carbon emissions.”

For our velofix riders who do not reside in America, this is a perfect opportunity to raise awareness of the numerous benefits of electric bikes. This is the perfect opportunity to raise awareness on making e-bikes accessible for all individuals across North America.