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The Home & Garden Show – with Elby

As the warmer weather rolls in, our calendar starts to fill up with events and races!

Our next event is the Ottawa Home & Garden Show from March 23rd to 26th at the EY Centre. We’ll be there with our velofix van and the team from Elby.


Elby is a new e-bike (electric bike) that can give you a boost to get from point A to point B. All Elby bikes have built in fenders, lights, bell and kickstand – making it a great commuter. It also has a battery life of up to 135 km and charges in less than 5 hours – making a great way to get around Ottawa. Elby comes in 5 different colors, and we’ll have most of them on site next week. Come by and see Elby for yourself! Want to learn more about Elby? Check out the short video below:

In addition to the Elbys, we’ll have our van in full service. Feel free to bring your bike to the show and take advantage of our Show Specials! We’ll be able to do everything from flat tires to complete overhauls. We’ll have all our tools, parts and accessories on site to meet all your cycling needs.

We hope to see you there!

Happy riding.