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Tesla – 47400 Kato Road

All slots are booked, thank you!

Velofix will be onsite at 47400 Kato Road on Tuesday, May 16th, 2023!

Reservations are required, first-come, first-served. Click the link below to reserve a time slot before they run out. Please ONLY book for May 16th for 47400 Kato Road!

Cancellation: Please email below to cancel your appointment at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment.

Waitlist: Once all 15 slots are filled, the reservation link will close. Please email to place yourself on a waitlist. If there is a cancellation or no-show, you will be contacted. This could mean that you will be contacted on the day of the service.

Mobile Bike Shop location
47400 Kato Rd, May 16th, 2023