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Six Steps To Prepare for Winter Cycling

Summer is officially over. Winter is here. However, off season doesn’t mean that you have to hang your bikes in the garage and wait for spring. As you prepare to ride your bike during the holiday season here are six steps to ensure you’re safe, comfortable, and ready for the elements. 


  • Take an inventory of your winter riding kit to be sure you have everything you need to stay warm and dry on chilly rides
  • Drop the pressure in your tires a few PSI to add a bit of comfort on the rough roads
  • Ensure headlights and taillights are charged to improve your visibility in the lower light conditions
  • Book a service to prepare your bike for the harsher winter conditions, new brake pads and wet lube is a must have. 
  • Have a set of fenders installed to keep you from wearing all of that road grime
  • Consider new tires with heavy duty flat protection


No matter how much or how little you decide to ride your bike during the winter season, remember to have fun.  And always eat the extra slice of pie.


Your velofix Mobile Bike Shop is here to save you time so that you can ride more. Book a service at