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Fondo Fun: Tips for a Great Fondo

You may have already got in your Fondo Fun for this summer – or you may be an expert Fondo-er. However, if you’re still getting ready for your first Fondo (maybe GranFondo Banff, GranFondo Whistler or the Centurion), we have a few tips to help you enjoy the experience.

  1. Pick your start corral wisely.

Don’t undersell or oversell yourself. Undersell yourself – and you’ll find that you’re stuck in traffic, trying to weave through the slower riders to find your group. Oversell yourself and you might end up in no man’s land between the fast groups and the one you want to be in. Do some research on the course and try to accurately guess what your finish time will be on an average day. Pick that start area.

  1. Be smart about nutrition

Many Fondos will offer roadside nutrition, which is a great perk, but you shouldn’t rely on that entirely. Try and be self sufficient. Carry some of your own food as a back up in case you don’t want to stop. If you’re going to be eating the nutrition that is on offer, do some research on what the aid stations will be stocked with and try out those products before hand to make sure that you can handle them. The old adage “Never try anything new on race day” applies to Fondos too.

  1. Be comfortable in a group.

You don’t have to ride in a group during your Fondo – although it will make the time go by much faster! – but you will have people around you, particularly at the start. Make sure that you are comfortable riding in a group so that if things do bunch up it won’t cause you any undue stress.

  1. Enjoy the scenery.

It’s easy to get caught up in the competitive side of a Fondo, but make sure to have fun. Most of these events take place in beautiful places, so take a second to appreciate where you are riding, whether it is along the Sea to Sky highway or in Banff National Park. It will make your memories of the event that much better.