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velofix Detroit serves cyclists in and around the metropolitan Detroit area. Both Detroit and Michigan offer something for every rider, from quiet country roads for group rides, an active road and cyclocross race scene, great mountain bike trails and multi-use paths, a velodrome, and increasingly bike-friendly urban infrastructure for commuting and recreation. Cyclists of all disciplines and ability levels will appreciate the convenience that velofix Detroit offers- simply book online and an expert technician will arrive at your home or office in a fully-equipped Mobile Bike Shop housed in a Mercedes Sprinter van. From tune ups and basic maintenance to repairs and upgrades, velofix offers a wide range of services and high quality bike parts and accessories from top brands. velofix also works directly with leading bike brands- let us help you find your next bike. We’re thrilled to be a part of the Detroit cycling community and look forward to supporting the community at events and races- if you see the big red van, please come say hi!